New Music 26

I’ve written loads and loads of new treats recently, which is great. But theres also been loads of new songs from bands you might already know released. Here’s a celebration to some of them.

Starting with the wonderful, wonderful Coldplay and ‘Charlie Brown’ from their new album ‘Mylo Xyloto’ which is brilliant in my opinion. They write so many stunning melodies and this song is no exception.

Summer Camp have now released their debut album, ‘Welcome to Condale’. It’s everything I expected, super 80’s, electro, amazing melodies, and just a wonderful collection of songs. This is the title track, ‘Welcome to Condale’ and its great.

Another brilliant new album is ‘Ceremonials’, from Florence and the Machine. ‘Lungs’ was an epic debut and I wasn’t sure whether this album was going to live up to it, but its completely exceeded my exceptions. The amount of massive tunes on this album is astonishing. So many classics. I went to her album launch last week at Hackney Empire and everyone should most certainly be getting excited about her touring again.

Rachel Sermanni is such a talent. She is realising an EP soon called ‘Black Currents’ which has been produced by Communion’s Ian Grimble. This track ‘The Fog’ is taken from it, I think its lovely.

Jamie N Commons might be one of those ‘one to watch’ sort of artists. I like what he’s doing, its really different, a bit Johnny Cash. This is his single ‘The Preacher’

Fanfarlo made one really really great album and then they went away for what seemed like ages. But their back, with a different sound. This is so much more indie/electro, but that essence of great songwriting is still there.

I pretty much fell in love with Jonny Kearney and Lucy Farrell’s mini album ‘North Farm Sessions’. So stunningly beautiful. They have just released their debut full length album and I have pretty much fallen in love all over again. This song ‘Green Leaved Trees’ is the first single to be taken from the album.

I have already featured this track, ‘The Lion’s Roar’ from First Aid Kit, but I thought this video was so good that I also had to include it. The second album is out on January 24th and I am really looking forward to hearing it!

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