Tag Archives: ellie makes music

My Musical Profile: Laura Boyle

Welcome to the first of a brand new feature on my blog, My Musical Profile. The idea is to get artists I like to answer a couple of questions about the music they love. I hope that from it you will find something new to love and listen to and hopefully I will too! I am delighted to say that the first of these posts comes from the stunning Laura Boyle.

When I first heard Laura Boyle I knew she was something very special. I have followed her now for several months and her development is wonderful to watch and it was a true delight to have her play the Mountain Bea show at the Gallery Cafe. I am sure we can expect much, much more from this young lady. Here is a demo of her latest song which you can grab as a free download!..

My favourite Bands/Artists (Also my dream line-up!);
Fleet Foxes/Laura Marling/Jackson C.Frank/Johnny Cash/ Mumford & Sons/ First Aid Kit/ Joni Mitchell/ Bon Iver/ Nick Drake/Lucy Rose/Peggy Sue/Slow Club/ Dry The River/ Alessi’s Ark.

My favourite Album; right now would probably be ‘A Creature I Don’t Know’, but I’ve been listening to ‘Acrobats’ (Peggy Sue) and ‘Paradise’ (Slow Club) and think both of those records are pretty amazing.

My favourite song;
‘Blue Spotted Tail’ is a song that I literally haven’t stopped listening to since I first heard it. It’s something about the lyrics, and Robin Pecknold’s voice… Everything about that song is captivating.

My favourite gig;
Ah, I have quite a few. I went to Mumford & Sons’ album launch in a barn in Hertfordshire; the atmosphere at that gig was just extraordinary… Oh, when I was about 13 or 14, I saw Laura Marling play in a church in Piccadilly. It was the first time I was able to see her live, and most of the church was lit by candles. So that would probably be my favourite gig.

My favourite lyric;
It’s probably between, ‘Why is life made only for to end? Why do I do all this waiting then? Why this frightened part of me that’s fated to pretend?’ (Blue Spotted Tail/Fleet Foxes) or ‘Someday someone will leave you, and I know you’ll feel the same. You’ll mark it down to memory and the dream that never came’ (You Never Wanted Me /Jackson C.Frank)

My favourite new band/artist;
Ellie Makes Music writes absolutely beautiful songs, I went on holiday recently and couldn’t stop listening to the songs on her soundcloud. I also really like Lucy Rose, and I’ve only recently heard Emily & The Woods, but I think she’s got a wonderful voice.

Right now I love;
Herbal tea, my new guitar, and open tunings. Oh, and the fact it’s quickly becoming winter!

Wonderful music taste would you not agree!? Laura Boyle also plays The Betsy Trotwood with Laura Hocking and Bella Spinks on October 19th. Lots more of these posts to come soon I hope.

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